D71 < 人物飾 > -米其林餐廳御用陶藝家Christina Liu

D71 < 人物飾 > -米其林餐廳御用陶藝家Christina Liu

本次邀請米其林餐廳御用陶藝家 Christina Liu 演繹充滿都會女性風格的匈牙利設計品牌 NANUSHKA,D71 < 人物飾 > 透過藝術、設計、時尚、生活交錯對話,以更豐富的視角觀看人與服飾的關係。

想了解更多 Christina Liu 作品請至 @christinaliuceramics


D71: 您如何成為一位陶藝家與餐具設計師?
CHRISTINA:我一直很愛料理,小時候我的夢想是去法國的烹飪學校,但大學時期我遇見了陶藝,我愛上「黏土」 這種創作材料。畢業後,為了結合我對美食及陶藝的熱情,我決定進修陶藝碩士學位。我想:「 食物如何能沒有盤子?」我很幸運能將我愛的兩件事如此完美的結合在一起。

D71: 您在製作作品時最重視什麼?
CHRISTINA :美,我認為沒有什麼比美更重要。美對我來說是找到完美比例與精緻雕琢後的結果。我相信美麗的事物來自以時間換取完美品質。

D71: 您認為您的作品特色是什麼?

D71: 給想成為餐具設計師的朋友們的建議。

D71: 您認為服裝是什麼?請分享一下您的穿衣理念。

D71: How did you become a ceramicist and tableware designer?
CHRISTINA: When I was younger I had dreams of attending culinary school in France, but during college I also discovered ceramics and fell in love with the material. After graduating I decided to pursue a master’s degree in ceramics with the intent of combining my passion for clay and cuisine. I like to say, what is food without a plate? I’m lucky because the two things I love are so inextricably tied together. 

D71: What do you value most when making your work?
CHRISTINA: There’s nothing I value more than beauty. Beauty, to me, is a result of pleasing proportions and refined finishing. Things of beauty come from taking the time to make sure they are “well-made.” 

D71: What do you think is the characteristic of your work?
CHRISTINA: I hope there is an elegance in my work that comes from careful consideration of the overall form. There may appear to be a simplicity in my work but I hope that upon deeper inspection, the craftsmanship becomes inescapably apparent. 

D71: Advice for friends who want to become tableware designers.
CHRISTINA: Eat at restaurants, visit shops, see what is already out there. Functional ware is the constant reinvention of existing forms. 

D71: What do you think clothing is? Or share your clothing style and dressing ideas
CHRISTINA: Clothing is known as a way to express personal style and aesthetic although I think it is not always intentional. For me, I don’t purposefully try to chase after a certain style. I simply pick pieces that are pleasing to me and in the end, subconsciously, I’ve gathered enough pieces to ascertain my “style.”

材質:瓷土 / 泥漿澆鑄瓷
蛋殼是一種比高溫燒制瓷器更加細膩的東西。兩者都是白色,且隱約呈現半透光狀態,不同的是 —— 蛋殼會被分解,陶瓷一旦燒製而成就是永恆的。蛋殼碗的不規則邊緣靈感來自:「 蛋殼破碎的隨機性 」,永遠是獨一無二的形狀,無法預測。

Material: Porcelain clay, Slip casted porcelain
The eggshell is something even more delicate than high-fired porcelain—both white in color, hinting at translucency, but one decomposes while the other is eternal once composed. The organic edge of the EGGSHELL bowl is inspired by the randomness in which an eggshell breaks—never the same, irregularly and undulating.

Creative direction & styling / Cheryl Kao
Production & behind the scene / Wei
Photograph / Min Xuan Hu
Make up & hair / ØUR
Production assistant / Vicky Chen