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保障個資安全及保護會員用戶隱私權為De sidere7.1(下稱「本公司」)營運的核心理念及原則。









  • 身份識別資料:會員用戶姓名、地址、電話、電子郵件地址及其他相關資訊。
  • 交易相關資料:信用卡或銀行帳戶資訊。
  • 個人描述資料:性別、出生日期等。


  • 期間:會員用戶當事人提出終止請求或本公司停止提供服務之日為止。
  • 地區:限於台灣境內使用。
  • 對象:本公司、業務委外單位及合作廠商(包括但不限宅配貨運業者、通訊服務業者、金流服務業者與其他輔助本公司履行合約義務或客戶服務必要之第三方廠商)、依法有調查權機關或金融監理機關。
  • 方式:除用於本公司客戶管理之檢索查詢外,用戶個人資料也用於身份辨識、金流物流服務、行銷宣傳及其他相關且必要之業務用途。


  • 當您使用本公司各項服務時,網頁將自動顯示您的會員資訊。
  • 交易相關:當您購買商品、參加贈獎活動,或參與其他商品或服務相關之交易時,我們將謹慎運用您的個人資料以完成必要的交易,運用範圍包含商品配送、服務提供、款項處理、客戶回覆、會員服務、相關售後服務及履行其他必要的業務程序。
  • 廣告行銷:本公司可能會透過電子郵件、電話或其他聯繫方式為您提供電子雜誌等宣傳內容。為了讓您獲得更完善的購物體驗,我們將持續參考會員用戶的瀏覽紀錄、廣告互動、個人偏好、購買紀錄、本公司網站使用紀錄等資訊,提供精緻的個人化服務,並進一步分析服務使用情形,以開發新服務及持續改善現有服務。此外本公司可能會因問卷調查、活動邀請、留言互動等原因與會員進行聯繫。
  • 客戶回覆:透過電子郵件、電話或任何其他直接或間接的聯繫方式,我們將致力確保您的疑問能得到及時的回應。
  • 其他業務相關:本公司提供服務所必要且與上述(1)(4)點使用目的之相關使用。
  • 服務供應商相關:當您購買個別服務供應商提供的商品或服務、參加贈獎活動或進行其他相關交易行為時,本公司於該交易所必要的範圍內,得將會員的個人資料檔案提供給該服務供應商,並由服務供應商負責管理與保護該個人資料檔案。本公司將與服務供應商簽訂合約,確保其將遵守會員用戶隱私權原則,並訂定承擔妥善處理個資的義務。然而,我們無法保證供應商將會必然遵守。若您想知道更多詳細內容,請洽詢相關的服務供應商。
  • 其他:提供特定服務時,所蒐集的個人資料可能會用於超出上述提及之用途。此時將在該個別服務之網頁載明其要旨。



  • 查詢或請求閱覽。
  • 請求製給複製本。
  • 請求補充或更正。
  • 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用。
  • 請求刪除。












  Ensuring the security of your personal information and safeguarding our members’ privacy is a fundamental principle at De sidere7.1 (hereinafter “De sidere7.1”, “we”, “us” or “our”). 

  We want to assure you that your personal information will never be shared with any third party without your explicit consent. 

  We strongly advise our members to refrain from disclosing any personal information to others.

  After using the features and functions provided by De sidere7.1, please remember to log out of your account. If you are using a computer shared with others or a public computer, please ensure that you clear your browsing history and close the browser window.

  The collection, processing, and utilization of personal data obtained from the website are solely for internal use by De sidere7.1, in accordance with the originally stated purposes and scope. We are committed to complying with relevant legal provisions and will not provide the data to third parties or use it for any other purposes.


Purpose of Data Collection

We collect data for the following purposes: marketing, customer management, online shopping, and other e-commerce services, as well as for conducting surveys, statistical analysis, and research. Personal information is only collected when you become a member or engage in transactions with us.


Categories of Personal Data Collected

De sidere7.1 collects the following categories of personal data on the website:

  • Identifiers: Member's name, address, phone number, email, and other relevant information.
  • Financial data: Credit card or financial institution account information.
  • Personal descriptions: Gender, date of birth, and other similar details.


The Duration, Region, Recipients and Methods of Which the Personal Data is used:

  • Duration: The collected personal data will be retained until the member requests its deletion or until De sidere7.1 discontinues its services.
  • Region: The collected personal data will be used within Taiwan.
  • Recipients: The company, outsourced business units, and collaborative partners (including but not limited to logistics companies, telecommunication service providers, payment service operators, and other third parties for fulfilling the contractual obligations of De sidere7.1 or essential for the service we provide), as well as legally authorized investigative agencies or financial supervisory authorities.
  • Methods: In addition to queries related to our customer management, the collected personal data of members will also be used for identity verification, payment services, logistics services, marketing, promotions, and other related purposes.


Examples of Data Use

  • When accessing services provided by De sidere7.1, member information will be displayed on the pages.
  • For Transaction Purposes: Your personal data will be carefully used for essential transactional purposes, including product delivery, service provision, payment processing, customer inquiries, member support, and after-sales services when making purchases, participating in giveaways, or engaging in similar transactions related to goods or services.
  • Advertising and Marketing: We may deliver electronic magazines and related information to members through email, phone, and other communication channels. To enhance your experience, we customize our operations using browsing history, advertisements, personal attributes, purchase records, and our website usage history to provide personalized services, analyze service usage, develop new services, and improve existing ones. Additionally, we may reach out to members for participation in polls, activities, contributions to message boards, and addressing service-related matters.
  • Responding to Customer Inquiries: We are committed to providing timely responses to member inquiries through email, phone, or any other direct or indirect contact method.
  • Other Business-Related Matters: Your person data will be used when it is essential for De sidere7.1 to provide services in relation to the purposes of use outlined in (1) to (4) above.
  • Providing Information to Individual Service Providers: When members make purchases, participate in giveaways, or engage in other transactions related to goods or services provided by individual service providers, De sidere7.1 may share the member's personal data file with the service provider within the necessary scope of the transaction. The service provider will assume responsibility for managing the personal data file. De sidere7.1 will impose contractual obligations on the service provider to handle personal data in accordance with principles that safeguard members’ privacy rights. However, please be aware that we cannot guarantee that the service provider will necessarily comply with these obligations. For detailed information, kindly contact the respective service provider.
  • Others: For specific services, the collected personal data may be used for purposes beyond those mentioned above. Any such usage will be clearly indicated on the webpage of that specific service.


Member's Rights Regarding Personal Data

Individuals from whom De sidere7.1 collects personal data have the following rights in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act:

  • The right to make an inquiry of and to review his/her personal data;
  • The right to request a copy of his/her personal data;
  • The right to supplement or correct his/her personal data;
  • The right to demand the cessation of the collection, processing or use of his/her personal data; and
  • The right to erase his/her personal data.

If a member wishes to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, they can contact our customer service team to submit a request.

Please note that refusing to provide the necessary information for membership registration may result in an inability to enjoy complete services or use the service at all.


Data Security 

In order to protect the privacy and security of our members, De sidere7.1 secures member account information with passwords and employs diligent measures to maintain the security of all personal data through reasonable technologies and procedures.


Inquiries and Corrections of Personal Data 

If a member wishes to inquire about and view, request copies, supplement or correct, cease computer processing and utilization, or delete their personal data, they can contact our customer service team. De sidere7.1 will promptly address the request.



To enhance your experience, our website uses Cookies. A cookie is a technology used by the website server to communicate with the member's browser. It may assign a unique identification to your device to identify and distinguish users. Please be aware that disabling cookies may lead to difficulties in logging into the website or using certain features.


Privacy Policy Revisions 

To adapt to changing trends in the fashion industry, our company may periodically update our website policies. If our members have any questions regarding our website's privacy statement or any matters related to personal data, please feel free to contact our customer service team or reach out via email.